Day 7: Keep Showing Up

“A river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of its persistence.” ~Jim Watkins

Nobody said it was going to be easy. Just keep showing up.

Morning stats

Yang/firing up:

  • cold shower
  • stood on one leg to activate glutes while brushing teeth
  • Motivational speech
  • one hour run plus running drills

Yin/cooling down:

  • Morning mantra: “My body is rested and my mind is clear. Today is going to be a great day.”
  • Two minute meditation (remembered it right before my run and used it to stall, since I was tired/dehydrated from dealing with Montezuma’s Revenge after returning from a race in Mexico recently)
  • 10 minute foam rolling and dynamic stretching

Evening rally

  • Pullups 3 x 12, 10, 8 (30 total)
  • 40 minute strength session
  • 15 minute Higher Ground Athletics mobility work

Day 6: Seize The Day

“It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently.” – Tony Robbins

Keeping habits on the weekend can be tricky, no doubt. (I forgot to take a cold shower when I first woke up but “luckily” – haha – remembered late morning.)

Morning Stats

Yang/firing up:

  • Cold shower (almost forgot!)
  • Motivational video
  • high-five in mirror
  • stood on one leg to activate glutes while brushing teeth
  • One hour 15 min run

Yin/cooling down:

  • Morning mantra: “Seize the Day”
  • 5 minutes earthing (standing on grass/earth barefoot)
  • 5 minutes yoga
  • 2 minute meditation (sat still, attempting to clear mind, for 4 minutes, but with one child and two dogs trying to get me to play, I’m only counting half of it)

Evening update

  • 3 x 15 pushups (45 total)
  • 10 minutes stretching

I’m grateful for kind and generous friends!

Day 5: High-five

“Happiness is the default state of mind. So when the mind becomes calm and clear, it returns to its default, and that default is happiness. That is it. There is no magic; we are simply returning the mind to its natural state.

…happiness is not something you pursue; it is something you allow. Happiness is just being.”

Re-reading this insight from the book Search Inside Yourself by Chad Meng-Tan is motivating me to make sure I don’t forget to meditate today, like I have the last two days. Even just two minutes is fantastic!

A quiet moment helping my muscles recover in cold mountain river water on a hot day

Morning Stats

Yang/firing up:

  • gave myself a high-five in the mirror (idea came from Mel Robbins’ book The High 5 Habit)
  • cold shower
  • motivational speech (my favorite so far):
  • 75 minute bike ride

Yin/cooling down:

  • morning mantra: “Today I choose joy.”
  • 2 minutes of meditation
  • 5 minutes of yoga
  • 5 minutes of dynamic stretching before bike ride

Evening update:

• soaked my legs in cold river water for ten minutes

• listened to 10 minute Yoga Nidra app, followed by 15 minutes of the Meditation Oasis app (formerly called Simply Being)

grateful for a chance to take care of our friends’ dogs while they travel.

Day 4: Hungry for More

Time to get gritty…

“We humans like gritty hard work, because gritty hard work provides better long-term survival benefits. And if we can tap into that, we can fundamentally change the quality of our life.

While grit requires more energy and emotional fortitude in the short run, it provides a much bigger boost in mood and motivation in the long run.”

The Art of Impossible, a book by Steven Kotler

Morning Stats

Yang/firing up:

  • Cold shower
  • Motivational speech by Oprah
  • pushups 3 x 14 (42 total)
  • 3 x 11, 9, 8 (28 total) My most-ever (strict) pullups in a row is 16, before I had my baby almost five years ago. My new goal, as a fresh 40 year-old, is 20 in a row – hoping this 4-5 days a week consistency will get me there.
  • a bit more strength training and a one hour run with plyometric drills
Getting creative getting those morning pull-ups in

Yin/cooling down:

  • 20 minute yoga/stretch/trigger point therapy work
  • Morning mantra: “I’m grateful for this day. I will use my time wisely.”
  • (Forgot to meditate again – gotta work on that!)

Evening Update

  • One hour mobility/strength combo session with Higher Ground Athletics
  • 2 minute meditation
  • Legs up the wall with cups on them (while playing a giraffe game with my kid!)

Feeling grateful/hopeful that the Achilles tendinitis I’ve had for three months (that I thought was plantar fasciitis) is starting to finally go away!

Day 3 to Becoming the Best Me

According to some quick search engine research, it seems to take either 21 or 66 days to form a habit, so we’re either 1/7th or 1/22nd of the way there – either way, congrats!

Morning stats

Yang/firing up

  • stood on one leg while brushing teeth to activate glutes
  • cold shower (technically three of them today because the pool shower had no hot water for my pre-and post-swim rinse)
  • listened to this motivational speech by Denzel Washington
  • 90 minute bike ride
  • 20 minute swim (this took more effort than the bike ride!)

Yin/cooling down

  • no social media until 9am
  • 12 minute stretch/yoga
  • (forgot to meditate in the morning)
  • morning mantra: “My body is rested and my mind is clear.”
“It is our choices, Harry, that show us what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” – J.K.Rowling

Evening update

  • listened to 15 minutes of the meditation app “Simply Being”
  • 5 minute foam roll
  • 5 minute Hypervolt
  • 30 minute core/grip/shoulder workout

Feeling grateful Taylor and I got to meet up with a friend, her four year-old, and her newborn.