Day 17: Calm Confidence

Today I noticed the wonderful fragrance of a tree in the yard of the house I’ve been dogsitting at for two weeks. I walk by it a few times a day but didn’t notice it until just now. Maybe it suddenly bloomed in full today, or maybe…just maybe…meditating consistently for the first time in my life is allowing me to be more present and notice “magic moments” more often. I wonder…

Morning stats

Yang/firing up:

  • high-five in the mirror
  • cold shower
  • stood one leg while brushing teeth, to activate glutes
  • motivational speech
  • one and a half hour interval/sprint running workout

Yin/cooling down:

  • morning mantra: “I welcome this new day with joy and confidence.”
  • 10 minutes of foam rolling and trigger point therapy mobility work
  • 10 minutes of earthing
  • 2 minute meditation
  • 15 minute session in compression pants

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