Posts Tagged ‘mindset’

Day 19: Take Inspired, Massive Action

Today I challenge myself to put myself out there in ways that scare me, that make me nervous, and that set me up for possible rejection, in the hopes of moving my life goals to the next level…wish me luck!

‘What if I fail? Oh, my darling, but what if you fly?” ~Poet Erin Hanson

Morning stats

Yang/firing up:

  • high-five in the mirror
  • stood on one leg while brushing teeth, to activate glutes
  • cold shower
  • motivational video
  • One hour cross-train cardio/strength combo workout at Cerus Fitness, including 3 x 14, 12, 9 pull-ups (35 total)

Yin/cooling down:

  • morning mantra: “Today is full of wonderful possibilities. Today I take massive, inspired action toward my goals.”
  • 4 minute meditation
  • 20 minutes of earthing (while reading Investing for Dummies, with cups on my leg muscles)
  • no social media until 11am

Day 18: Choose Your Thoughts

How do you want to feel today? The choice, in large part, is up to you, based on which thoughts get your attention. This is the message I’ll be reminding myself of all day today…

Morning stats

Yang/firing up:

Yin/cooling down;

  • morning mantra: “I find goodness everywhere I go.”
  • 3 minute meditation
  • 15 minutes of earthing
  • no social media until 10am

Excellent article on getting to know how to work with the thoughts in our head…

Love this quote!

Evening Update

  • One hour strength and mobility work with Higher Ground Athletics
  • 30 minutes of strength work at home, including 3 x 19 pushups (57 total)

Day 17: Calm Confidence

Today I noticed the wonderful fragrance of a tree in the yard of the house I’ve been dogsitting at for two weeks. I walk by it a few times a day but didn’t notice it until just now. Maybe it suddenly bloomed in full today, or maybe…just maybe…meditating consistently for the first time in my life is allowing me to be more present and notice “magic moments” more often. I wonder…

Morning stats

Yang/firing up:

  • high-five in the mirror
  • cold shower
  • stood one leg while brushing teeth, to activate glutes
  • motivational speech
  • one and a half hour interval/sprint running workout

Yin/cooling down:

  • morning mantra: “I welcome this new day with joy and confidence.”
  • 10 minutes of foam rolling and trigger point therapy mobility work
  • 10 minutes of earthing
  • 2 minute meditation
  • 15 minute session in compression pants

Day 16: Going Strong

Morning stats

Yang/firing up

  • high-five in the mirror
  • cold shower
  • stood on one leg to activate glutes
  • motivational video
  • one hour run plus drills and strides
  • hour and a half strength/grip/core workout at Cerus Fitness, including 3 x 19, 19, 18 pushups (56 total)

Yin/cooling down:

  • morning mantra: “I take bold action toward my goals today. Nothing will get in my way.”
  • 3 minute meditation
  • 10 minutes of earthing
  • 10 minute stretch

Day 15: It’s All About The Journey

After a couple weeks of doing these new routines and habits, they are certainly starting to get easier to remember to do, and I can already start to feel the compounding positive benefits. Mondays are generally my day off from exercising, and I find my mind and body wanting to fill any potential extra time in my day today with more meditation, earthing, motivational speeches, etc., getting creative in how to add them into my day while still doing my normal duties (such as working with my remote personal training clients and doing laundry/work emails/child care, etc.) by inviting my kid to try meditating with me and by listening to a motivational speech while taking a shower.

Morning stats

Yang/firing up:

Yin/cooling down:

  • morning mantra: “My body is rested and my mind is clear. Today is going to be a great day.”
  • 3 minute meditation
  • 20 minutes earthing
  • 10 minutes of foam rolling and stretching