Day 10: Renewed Gratitude

“No amount of regret changes the past. No amount of anxiety changes the future. But any amount of gratitude changes the present.” ~Ann Voskamp

After dealing with two strains of E.Coli for a week, my antibiotics are kicking in, and I finally had good energy and an uninterrupted run, with a quality workout in the middle – woohoo! As I pushed myself in the hot sun, I felt a wave of gratitude that the discomfort was from hard work rather than feeling nauseous. (Plus, I’m more fun as a parent when I don’t have a bellyache.) Onward!

Morning stats

Yang/firing up:

  • cold shower
  • motivational speech
  • stood on one leg while brushing teeth, to activate glutes
  • ran for an hour and a half, with a fast speed-play workout in the middle

Yin/cooling down:

  • morning mantra: “I’m alive, I’m grateful, I’m ready to roll.”
  • 5 minute foam roll
  • 2 minute meditation (I find that doing this right before my run really grounds me.)

Evening update

  • 30 minutes of earthing (while reading a book, throwing a ball for a cute dog I’m dogsitting, and waiting on hold with an 800 airline number – love how earthing doesn’t take as much focus as meditation!)
  • 10 minute easy bike spin
  • 3 x 17, 17, 16 pushups (50 total)
  • 5 minute stretch

Day 9: The Obstacle Is The Way

Turns out I picked up two forms of E.Coli while traveling, so that explains why my system has been so fouled up for a week. I’m grateful it’s likely just a minor setback.

“The obstacle in the path becomes the path. Never forget, within every obstacle is an opportunity to improve our condition.” ~Ryan Holiday, in the book The Obstacle Is The Way

Morning Stats

Yang/firing up:

  • cold shower
  • motivational video by Oprah:
  • 3 x 13, 11, 9 pullups (33 total)
  • 45 minute run with sprints
  • 15 minute spin

Yin/cooling down:

  • Morning mantra: “I will achieve great things through small steps.”
  • 2 minute meditation
  • 5 minute foam roll and 5 minute stretching
  • no social media until 9am

Day 8: Feeling Great

“Grit is passion and perseverance for very long-term goals. Grit is having stamina… Grit is living life like it’s a marathon and not a sprint.” ~Dr. Angela Duckworth

Technically, I don’t feel great physically (still combating Montezuma’s Revenge, which adds factors of dehydration and fatigue to my running, along with three months of low-to-moderate heel pain that I figured was plantar fasciitis but seems to actually be Achilles tendonitis), but I DO feel great mentally, (which, aside from a major injury, is more important than the physical), focusing on the things I can, like increasing my pushups and pullups consistently each week, trusting I’ll figure out how to feel physically 100% again soon.

Plus, daily meditation and motivational videos makes for a mentally fantastic way to start the day!

dog yoga warrior mom pose

Morning Stats

Yang/firing up:

  • cold shower
  • stood one leg while brushing teeth, to activate glutes
  • motivational speech compilation from G.OA.T. athletes
  • 3 x 16 pushups (48 total) – just a little bit of working out on my otherwise rest day

Yin/cooling down:

  • morning mantra: “I am rested and ready for the day. I can handle anything it brings.”
  • 2 minute meditation (this is getting easier to remember to do!)
  • 5 minute foam roll
  • no social media until 9am
  • 6 minutes of earthing
  • 4 minutes of yoga

Day 7: Keep Showing Up

“A river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of its persistence.” ~Jim Watkins

Nobody said it was going to be easy. Just keep showing up.

Morning stats

Yang/firing up:

  • cold shower
  • stood on one leg to activate glutes while brushing teeth
  • Motivational speech
  • one hour run plus running drills

Yin/cooling down:

  • Morning mantra: “My body is rested and my mind is clear. Today is going to be a great day.”
  • Two minute meditation (remembered it right before my run and used it to stall, since I was tired/dehydrated from dealing with Montezuma’s Revenge after returning from a race in Mexico recently)
  • 10 minute foam rolling and dynamic stretching

Evening rally

  • Pullups 3 x 12, 10, 8 (30 total)
  • 40 minute strength session
  • 15 minute Higher Ground Athletics mobility work

Day 6: Seize The Day

“It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently.” – Tony Robbins

Keeping habits on the weekend can be tricky, no doubt. (I forgot to take a cold shower when I first woke up but “luckily” – haha – remembered late morning.)

Morning Stats

Yang/firing up:

  • Cold shower (almost forgot!)
  • Motivational video
  • high-five in mirror
  • stood on one leg to activate glutes while brushing teeth
  • One hour 15 min run

Yin/cooling down:

  • Morning mantra: “Seize the Day”
  • 5 minutes earthing (standing on grass/earth barefoot)
  • 5 minutes yoga
  • 2 minute meditation (sat still, attempting to clear mind, for 4 minutes, but with one child and two dogs trying to get me to play, I’m only counting half of it)

Evening update

  • 3 x 15 pushups (45 total)
  • 10 minutes stretching

I’m grateful for kind and generous friends!