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OCRWC 3k Race Day Recap

Ever want something really badly, and go after it with all you’ve got, only to come up short?

I have, many times. And today, unfortunately for me, was no exception…yet despite feeling disappointed, there’s always a sense of accomplishment that comes with committing to a goal, regardless of the outcome. 

After going out strong and poised today, in the small lead group at the top of the big hill, nearly halfway through the race, I got a little hung-up on a funky strength-based obstacle (La Gaffe) but made it through and raced on with determination, still in the top four. 

At a new ninja-based obstacle called DropZone, I took a risk to make up time and attempted to lache through it rather than monkey-bar it. It worked, until it don’t. I fell of near the end, my arms pumped, tried again right away and fell right off again. 😩

As I felt my big goal slip from my grasp, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, shifting my mindset to finishing as well as I could, no matter the current circumstance, seeing it as a chance to practice the life skill of pivoting. 👍

With newfound energy, I took my friend on the sideline’s advice and persevered through the obstacle with a new technique, and then raced my heart out to run down the person in front of me. 

Although it’s easy to think that I did not train that hard all year to finish in seventh place, I also have enough respect for the women from around the world who finished ahead of me to know that seventh is still something to be proud of. 

Congrats to everyone who raced, especially Kris Rugloski (3rd), Lindsay Webster (2nd), and Ida Mathilde for bring him gold! I’m happy for you three.

Ever want something really badly, and go after it with all you’ve got, only to come up short? 💚   

I have, many times. And today, unfortunately for me, was no exception…yet despite feeling disappointed, there’s always a sense of accomplishment that comes with committing to a goal, regardless of the outcome. 👍   

After going out strong and poised today, in the small lead group at the top of the big hill, nearly halfway through the race, I got a little hung-up on a funky strength-based obstacle (La Gaffe) but made it through and raced on with determination, still in the top four.      

At a new ninja-based obstacle called DropZone, I took a risk to make up time and attempted to lache through it rather than monkey-bar it. It worked, until it don’t. I fell of near the end, my arms pumped, tried again right away and fell right off again (overconfident that my recent bout with golfers elbow hadn’t affected my overall strength and grip endurance very much). 😩     

As I felt my big goal slip from my grasp, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, shifting my mindset to finishing as well as I could, no matter the current circumstance, seeing it as a chance to practice the life skill of pivoting. 👍     

With newfound energy, I took my friend on the sideline’s advice and persevered through the obstacle with a new technique, and then raced my heart out to run down the person in front of me. 💥 

Although it’s easy to think that I did not train that hard all year to finish in seventh place, I also have enough respect for the women from around the world who finished ahead of me to know that seventh is still something to be proud of. 😊 

Congrats to everyone who raced today, especially @krisruglowski (3rd), @lindsaywebster (2nd), and @idamatilde for bring him gold! 🏆 I’m happy for you three.      

“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you land among the stars.” ~ Les Brown     

So anybody too afraid to put themselves out there, too afraid to fail. To some, I did just that. And even though it’s a bit disappointing, it’s still totally worth it.     

It seems to me like life is always better when you go for big goals, because even if you miss them, the lessons you learn along the way make you a better person. ❤️

Ever want something really badly, and go after it with all you’ve got, only to come up short? 💚        

I have, many times. And today, unfortunately for me, was no exception…yet despite feeling disappointed, there’s always a sense of accomplishment that comes with committing to a goal, regardless of the outcome. 👍        

After going out strong and poised today, in the small lead group at the top of the big hill, nearly halfway through the race, I got a little hung-up on a funky strength-based obstacle (La Gaffe) but made it through and raced on with determination, still in the top four.           

At a new ninja-based obstacle called DropZone, I took a risk to make up time and attempted to lache through it rather than monkey-bar it. It worked, until it don’t. I fell of near the end, my arms pumped, tried again right away and fell right off again (overconfident that my recent bout with golfers elbow hadn’t affected my overall strength and grip endurance very much). 😩          

As I felt my big goal slip from my grasp, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, shifting my mindset to finishing as well as I could, no matter the current circumstance, seeing it as a chance to practice the life skill of pivoting. 👍          

With newfound energy, I took my friend on the sideline’s advice and persevered through the obstacle with a new technique, and then raced my heart out to run down the person in front of me. 💥      

Although it’s easy to think that I did not train that hard all year to finish in seventh place, I also have enough respect for the women from around the world who finished ahead of me to know that seventh is still something to be proud of. 😊      

Congrats to everyone who raced today, especially @krisruglowski (3rd), @lindsaywebster (2nd), and @idamatilde for bring him gold! 🏆 I’m happy for you three.           

“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you land among the stars.” ~ Les Brown  ⭐️     

For anybody too afraid to put themselves out there, too afraid to fail, today essentially,  I did just that. And even though it’s disappointing, of course, it’s still totally worth it. 💚    

It seems to me like life is always better when you go for big goals, because even if you miss them, the lessons you learn along the way help you grow as a person. ❤️  

I mean, training for this race got me to commit to two minutes a day of meditation (see blog link above), and it’s a habit I plan to keep up, so that’s a life win right there. 😁

Day 101

Woohoo! Feels good to have done this for my goal of 101 days! I feel stellar, thanks in large part to the daily (albeit short) meditation and the morning high-five to self. Thanks for joining me on this journey. Time to take my best self and race my best!

Morning Stats

Yang/firing up:

  • high-five in the mirror
  • stood on one leg while brushing teeth, to activate glutes
  • cold shower
  • 30 minute hike and three mile run

Yin/cooling down:

  • morning mantra: “My body is rested and my mind is clear. Today is going to be a wonderful day.”
  • 3 minute meditation
  • 20 minutes of Higher Ground Athletics mobility work

Evening Update

  • epsom salt bath
  • 7 minutes of scraping and cupping

Day 100

Flying to Vermont today, for the OCR World Championships this upcoming weekend!

Morning Stats

Yang/firing up:

  • high-five in the mirror
  • stood on one leg while brushing teeth, to activate glutes
  • cold shower
  • quick little 42 running (with sprints) workout after my plane ride and before a long drive from Albany, NY to Stratton, VT

Yin/cooling down:

  • morning mantra: “My body is rested and my mind is clear. Today is going to be a fantastic day.”
  • 3 minute meditation
  • 6 minutes of dynamic stretching (needed to loosen up a bit before running right after a flight)
  • 3 minutes of static stretching

Day 99

Driving from Keystone to Boulder to fly out to the OCRWC World Championships tomorrow, out of the Denver airport! Getting excited for my big race – it’s almost here!

Morning Stats

Yang/firing up:

  • high-five in the mirror
  • stood on one leg while brushing teeth, to activate glutes
  • cold shower

Yin/cooling down:

  • morning mantra: “My body is rested and my mind is clear. Today is going to be a stellar day.”
  • 2 minute meditation
  • 2 minutes of static stretching after a roadtrip